Kami Sama
Kami Sama is the wise Namek who trained Goku's Friends for the Saiyan battle. He also guided Goku to King Yama's castle and from there he travelled along snake way to King Kai's place. When Piccolo fought and saved Gohan from Nappa's blast he died and Kami-sama went along with him leaving Mr popo behind.
The witch women with the crystal ball she flies around on. She helped Bulma, Master Roshis, Chchi and everyone else at Kame's House to see the fight between Vegeta and Goku when the TV station blocked out.
Master Satan
A mean looking man but good at heart. He fraught in Goku's team for a while and Gohan and his daughter Videl which is Devil arranged around. Later on Videl marries Gohan and has a child named Pan. Master Satan also has a pet dog named Bee.
One of the little Nameks that witness the attack by Freeza on his father. Since Freeza want to know where the rest of the dragon balls are his father blasted their trackers off so they can't detect where the next dragon ball is also cant detect Gohan and Krilin who hid and witness the fight between Freeza's men who look like Saiyan's but not all of them are human and none have tails. But Dende becomes friends with Gohan and helps him with the dragon ball finding.
Master Roshi
Goku's martial arts trainer. He taught Goku everything that he needed to know in combat in the first series of Dragon ball. But now he watches Goku. Since he is getting older in age plus her flurts with women especially the nurse at the hospital when Goku was out of his bed and on the floor doing sit ups.
Mr and Mrs Briefs (Bulma's parents)
Bulma's weird parents. Name after underwear and believe it or not Bulma means bloomers in english. Anyway her father is a technician and has his own company called Capsule Corp. making space ships and other flying machines. He rebuilt Goku's space pod he came in from his home planet. Well Mrs Brief is a tall, blonde which Goku seemed to like but her eyes are never open. She greeted him when he visited there house.
King Kai and King Yama
King Yama is the very huge giant man which Goku meets on his journey at the check point station. He look's like Gyuumao but a lot bigger. He showed him the way to the snake way the long winding path which went on forever and ever. King Kai is the blue man which has a sense of humour and tries to get Goku to make him laugh by telling him a joke. Besides jokes he tested his strength by making him try to catch Bubbles his monkey in which Goku caught. Then his next task was to hit Gregory his cricket in the head. Well Goku achieved both but King Kai remains in contact with Goku and his mind.
Mr Popo
Mr Popo is Kami sama long time friend he lives with him in his castle in the sky. He also flew to earth on his carpet to take Bulma to the space ship which was abandon in the mountains.
Chichi's Father who seems to follow Chichi where ever she goes. Unlike Chichi who would make her Son Gohan to become a doctor or something Gyuumao lets his son to fight rather than study. Anyway he keeps a good eye on Chichi and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid.
Guru and Nail
Guru is the eldest Namek on the planet and Nail is his helper. When Krilin and Dende arrived at his palace they knew that were coming for the dragon ball. So once in Guru a large old giant Namek that sat in a large throne and nail who is a young Namek who looks so much like Piccolo. Anyway it's up to Krilin and Gohan to find the rest of the dragon balls also to find all there friends and fight Freeza them seleves.