Son Goku 1
Son Goku is the main leader and character in the Dragon Ball series. He is a martial arts champion who is born a Saiyan. In the past his kind lived with normal earthlings on the same planet until war broke out. Saiyans have the powers to change into large monkeys and destroy anything that's around them.
Anyway Goku was sent to earth and he removed his tail permanently so he cant transform into the beast. Goku is married to Earth women named Chichi and had two sons one Gohan named after his grandfather the other Goten who looks like a miniature version of Goku but he came later in the series. From there on here forgets about what he was but Raditz his evil big brother return and reminds him what he was sent ot earth for to destroy it. But once his brother died in battle Goku was faced with the saiyan invasion and war. So Goku's aim once he went into the second dimension is to go to King Kai's place along Snake way and to be taught how to out beat the Saiyans at there own game. After beating Vegeta the Prince of Saiyans he is in major recovery after the powers he used to destroy Vegeta in battle. Now he is faced with a new problem to find the dragon balls and bring back his friends who died and are in the second dimension. As the series continues on Goku finds out a lot more about his past Saiyan life. Finding out there is such thing as a Super Saiyan the final stage in which he becomes a blonde hair powerful man. Goku's Family remains unknown to him but his father's name is Bardock and His Grandfather is Gohan who is adopted. He leads the growing team into defeating Freeza and any other villain who is out to get the dragon balls.
I'm tired of playing games Frieza give up!!!!