Piccolo 1
Piccolo started off as being the bad guy to Goku in the Dragon Ball series. He joins Goku side in the Dragon Ball Z in order to stop the Saiyans Vegeta and Nappa from destroying earth. Piccolo came from a far away planet called Namek there the Namek's made the Dragon Balls. After Goku went to the next dimension in order to be trained by King Kai Piccolo took Gohan and trained him for battle in a large deserted place where mountains are scatted and grass not much water and full of wild animals. From there he watched Gohan brave his fears and also Piccolo trained his mind away from Gohan.
Piccolo learns to love Gohan and when battling the Saiyan Nappa Piccolo kept encouraging Gohan to keep his mind clear and focus and not to pull out but to stay in. But unfortunately Gohan didn't but Nappa planed to kill Gohan Piccolo took the hit and saved Gohan from the blast but died. Kami sama went along too. Gohan was sad he kept trying to talk to Piccolo telling him not to go but in the end he did. Piccolo is quite a cool guy even though he is a Namek alien. But Piccolo returns back when they wish on the Dragon balls along with his other friends. But news just in Piccolo born from the dragon family went to earth but split into two forms one him self the other Kami sama the older one. This was told by the oldest elder Guu of the Nameks who released Krilins in powers and gave him one of the seven dragon balls. So now it's up to them to get all seven before they disappear.
It' all up to you!! Special Canon Beam Attack!!